Nicholas John Stoop, trading as Warwick Risk Management, has FCA temporary permission to continue performing regulated claims management activities. Warwick Risk Management’s temporary permission is recorded on the website under the Firm Reference Number: 835571
We treat complaints very seriously. Should you have any complaint then please contact us by email ( or by post at 42a Gunter Grove, London SW10 0UJ or by telephone: 0207 602 6901. We shall acknowledge receipt within 5 business days giving the name or job title of the individual handling the complaint together with the details of our internal complaints handling procedures. We will within 8 weeks send you either a final response or a response which explains that we are still not in a position to make a final response giving your reasons for the further delay and indicating when we expect to be able to provide a final response. If you are not happy with the final response or if we have not responded within 8 weeks you have a right to complain to the Financial Ombudsman Service as follows:
Email it to them at Alternatively, you may post it to the Financial Ombudsman at the following address: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR