Nick Stoop

Nick Stoop, the founder of Warwick Risk Management, has fifteen years’ derivatives experience at major banks as a trader, salesman and head of department.  He is an expert in the structuring, pricing and risk-management of derivative products.  Nick trained as an economist – he holds an M.A. from Cambridge University – and taught mathematics before becoming an early pioneer of the London derivatives market and then the emerging Asian capital markets.

Nick was Head of Swaps at Mitsubishi Finance in London and Head of Capital Markets at HSBC in Thailand. In both roles he was in charge of the trading and risk-management of long-term currency and interest rate products and managed teams of derivatives sales and trading professionals.  At Mitsubishi Finance Nick was the co-inventor of the asset swap, a technique which advanced fixed income markets by removing the currency and interest rate risks from bonds and other fixed income securities, enabling those instruments to be valued and traded on a pure credit basis.

Nick has advised central banks and supranational institutions including the World Bank on the structuring of derivative products and their application to the development of domestic bond markets.  Nick is currently acting as a consultant to individuals and small companies in the context of the FCA interest rate hedging products review and to larger companies engaged in or considering litigation.

Harry Farrell

Legal & compliance consultant

​Harry is a legal and compliance consultant. He is assisting Warwick Risk Management in dealing with the mis-selling of financial products by private banks. Harry graduated with a Bsc in Anthropology from the University of Kent in 2013, he has a Graduate Diploma in Law from City University, and attained a ‘Very Competent’ on the Bar Professional Training Course from City Law School in 2018.

William Bisset

Political consultant

​William is a political consultant for Warwick Risk Management. He is assisting with website content for a new project investigating LOBO loans to local councils and assessing their legality. He graduated in History and Politics BA from Newcastle University in June 2015.